Jewelry Collections > The Fluffomatic

The Fluffomatic in fine form...
Steel, Motor, Feather Boas, Rubber, Fake Fur, Wood, Innertubes
Detail Shot from Installation entitled 'Fluffomatic Generator'
Steel, Motor, Feather Boas, Rubber, Rafts, Fake Fur, Wood, Innertubes, Inflatables, PVC
Detail Shot from Installation entitled 'Fluffomatic Generator'
Motors, PVC, Fiberglass, Inflatables, Feather Boas, Bicycle Reflectors, Fake Fur
The Tease-Part 1
Motor, Plexiglass, Steel, Dental Molds
The Tease-Part 2
Motor, Plexiglass, Steel, Rubber Balls, Barbie Arm, Feather
Telekinetic Affection Generator
Record player, Vintage German Toys, Plastic, Steel, Wood, Foam
Sculpture Magazine
Jan./Feb. 2003 Vol. 22 No.1

Click on thumbnails for complete description and full size image.

The Fluffomatic was built during my senior year at California College of the Arts in Oakland, Ca. Constructed of steel, motor, feather boas and bicycle tubes, the design itself was based off of a car wash. The Fluffomatic was part of a large-scale gallery installation that included 14 motorized sculptures. The installation was called 'Fluffomatic Generator- an Experimental Situation with Affectionate Machinery'.